The following posts are collections of photos of snowshoeing trips taken in the Sunshine Meadows and led by guides from White Mountain Adventures. Most of the photos have been submitted by the guides leading the trips.

If you have been on one of our trips and would like to share your own photos on this blog please email us at: and we will give you instructions on how to post your own photos and what the terms of use are. If you see a photo here with your image that you do not want to see published on this blog or elsewhere, likewise send us an email and we will remove it.

Thanks for being part of our snowshoe adventures in Banff!

Monday, February 1, 2010

A Fun Day of Snowshoeing at Sunshine

It's almost a Whiteout up here!

But we're having fun in the trees!

Can't see the mountains too well but I think there's a lake down there!

And the gondola ride back down is great!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Gord! Thanks for the amazing trek! It was a great first introduction for both of us to snow shoeing. To confirm this, we were both sad when it ended! Thanks also for the insights into the Pine Martens and the Snowshoe Hares (or Snow Bunnies as Regina would call them).

    Tim and Regina
